codeblog code is freedom — patching my itch

August 3, 2005

oscon 2005 mid week report

Filed under: General — kees @ 9:33 pm

Day 1 of OSCON was spent recovering from DefCon. I didn’t go to either of my scheduled tutorials. I really wish I could have gotten to see Conway present his Presentation Aikido, since the notes for it are terrific. I also really wish I could have spent some more time with Snort, especially given all the attention I gave to Snort Inline over the last few weeks.

Day 2 of OSCON was spent in the RT and Aterisk tutorials. The RT one was very interesting, but more geared towards people wanting to do something MORE than ticket tracking. I was glad to see that 3+ has a much better commandline query tool. That’ll speed up autokees’s “-rt” responses. (“autokees” is my IRC bot that reports OSDL’s open — and closed — RT tickets for the Core Services group.) The Asterisk presentation was fantastic.

Capouch really knows his stuff, and his Asterisk demo was very impressive. For the last part of his demo his showed off his home X10 turning on a light in his living room that triggered a motion detector running against his webcam, watching his prized Robert Crumb original, which dropped an Asterisk call file into the server and called him. Time between “X10 on” and his phone ringing: 2 seconds, if that. That tutorial was well organized, and detailed. I think I could probably set up an Asterisk server right now if I didn’t need to go to bed so badly.

© 2005, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
CC BY-SA 4.0

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